BroodMinder-Cell T91

BroodMinder-T91 Cell Hub (BRM-54)
The BroodMinder-T91 Cell Hub is based on the Nordic "Thingy 91".
You will find an installation video here.
Installation is super easy because we set everything up before shipping.
We recommend you test everything before you take it to your apiary.
You will get an email from BroodMinder when we ship the hub. If you don't then check your junk email folder, or contact us. The email has instructions on connecting the hub to your account. There are two cases.
If there is a link in the email, then click it and you will be guided to connect the hub to your account and claim the one year token which is included with purchase.
If there is not a link, then we assigned it to your account before shipping.
When you get your hub, turn it on. There is a slide switch
Go to, choose
and expand theHubs
section. This is where you can manage your hub. -
Click on the Manage icon to assign or move it to an apiary.
You must also assign a token. A token is a virtual coin that we use to pay for the 24/7 upload service. You should receive 1 year service with the hub. If you did not, then contact us at
After you see it working you can move it to your apiary.
If you have a solar T91, then ensure that the gasket is seated correctly when you replace the lid. Also make certain that the solar panel is facing towards the sun for most of the day.
If you have a naked T91, then ensure that it is in a weatherproof housing of some sort. We recommend the Lacrosse Solar Shield. We also recommend that you place the T91 in the mesh bag we include. This will keep out small bugs (such as earwigs) which are attracted to the slight warmth.
Solar version
Life long powered version
Weather version
Use the Weather shield to protect the T91
Extended range
If you have issues with the cell network coverage, maybe an antenne can help improve the situation in your apiary.
We might have several solutions for you : contact us at
One of them is this External Antenna kit. The antenna plugs into the connector marked "LTE" on the Thingy91.
- Place the connector through the plastic mounting bracket
- Push the connector into the Thingy91 jack.
- Secure the bracket with the screw that we included.