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Quick Start Guide

We've done our best to make the installation and use of your BroodMinders intuitive and easy. Follow the process below to get to grips with all aspects of the solution (Sensors, App and Web...) and you'll have every chance of success.

Each step is described in detail later in this document.

1. image Install the App
2. image Create your account
3. image Power your devices
4. image Assign to a hive
5. image Make your first sync
6. image Power on Hub
7. image Install devices in hive
8. image Install your hub
9. image Update starting dates
10. image View and explore

Before you start

Take note of the following best practices:

Set-up everything AT HOME

Make sure the system is functional before installing it in the apiary, then it will be less easy to set up.

Tag your hives

Do what it takes to identify your hives, it will be much better. 1, 2, 3 ..... A, B, C ... K254.

Use our video library

Watch the video help "Quick Start with CS Kit"

Need help?

You can always contact us at


image 1. Install BroodMinder Bees

Download Broodminder Bees from your preferred store. Scan this QR code to be headed to it :


image 2. Create your account

Create your account into the Bees App. A single account for everything : App and Web MyBroodminder.

In BeesApp, on the Apiary tab, create your first apiary and your first hive, they will be needed for the next steps.


In Bees you have several tabs that we will navigate : img

Create your first apiary with ... > New apiary


Create your first hive with Hives > New hive


We can now move on to assign sensors to this newly created hive. But first we have to power on devices.

image 3. Activate your devices

In general all our devices have a pull strip. Older models (T2) might have a push button.


Take care of this:

With any device, pulling the tab should make the board blink. If you do not see any blink, push the batteries against the + contact. Sometimes the battery holder can be stiff and avoid the spring to push them through. (mostly for AA batteries)

Do not discard any plastic part. Keep them all in place.

Check that all seals are properly installed.

Verify that cable glands are tight too when appropriate.

Understand device model

All BroodMinder sensors have a 6-digit reference number in the form XX:XX:XX. The first two digits of this reference define the model:

  • 41, 47 : T
  • 42, 56 : TH
  • 43, 57 : W
  • 49 : W3 et W4
  • 52 : SubHub
  • 54 : Hub
  • 58 : DIY
  • 63 : BeeDar

image 4. Assign devices to hives

First you need to claim the device by clicking on the green Claim button found in the Devices tab. This operation will associate each sensor you claim to your account . You will then be asked to attach the sensor to a hive. You can proceed or cancel and come back later via the menu ....

Attach each device to a hive.




Available device positions are

Position typical use
Lower brood TH or T into the lower brood box
Upper brood TH or T into the upper brood box
Inner cover TH or T under the cover
Scale under hive full weight scales like W3, W4
Scale under hive (back) half weight (bar) scales like W and W5
Beecounter Beedar
Outside Hive beekeeper's choice
Other beekeeper's choice
Custom [1-7] for research purposes (multiple devices)

Device location is important

Carefully select position for internal sensors. Some metrics like brood are only computed if the device is assigned to the brood location.

Now return to the Apiaries tab to perform the first sync.

image 5. Make your first sync

Using BroodMinder Bees App there are multiple ways of syncing:

  • Multi-Sync is at the top of the screen in the Apiaries tab. This syncs all devices at once and is a Premium feature.
  • Single Syncis within the 3dots ...menus, either in Devicesor in Apiaries tab


You can only sync devices appearing in green (within bluetooth range)


Now look to your data using ... > Show Graph or ... > Show Details.



On your first sync you probably do not see much data since there is only one or two samples.

image 6. Power-On your Hub

This stage is intended for those owning a Hub for real time monitoring. If you do not have a Hub, move to the next chapter.

Remember from Hubs page that there are several hub versions:

  • Broodminder-T91 Cellular Hub [solar, weather, naked]
  • BroodMinder-Wifi Hub
  • BroodMinder-Sub-Hub

6.1 Cellular Weather hub

  1. Remove the orange silicon protection
  2. Power ON the hub with the small black switch (use a pen tip to operate)

Power On

  1. Color Leds will blink green, then blue, then green again
  2. Check on Bees App that transmission has been established. Go to Devices tab > Hub ID > Show details > MBM last upload shall display current date/time.

Upload check

  1. Install orange protection again, starting from the USB side.

silicon cover

  1. Insert the T91 within the weather shield with the USB face sidewise to avoid condensation deposition on this and the opposite face.

Upload check

6.2 Cellular Solar hub

Follow the same process as above, with the difference that you will have to plug in the USB to the battery (we ship unpluged to avoid battery discharge during transport)

  1. Unscrew the cover lid.
  2. Insert the USB plug into the battery
  3. Slide the power switch to the right

Upload check

  1. Hub will start and you can check data transmission using Bees App as described above.


image 7. Install devices in hives

Install devices

Internal sensors

Install BroodMinder-T (model 47) and -TH (model 56) on the middle frame (usually no. 5), starting on the left-hand side as seen from the front of the hive. The identifier at the end of the tab should protrude so as to be visible from the front of the hive.



Place your BroodMinder-W scale preferably at the back of the hive. Make sure the hive is as level as possible. BroodMinder-W3 and W4 scales do not require precise levelling.



The BeeDar is mounted on the front of the hive, centered on the hive axis. The height from the flight deck is just right to allow you to handle the entrance reducers without worry. Typically 5 to 7 cm above the floor.

Beedar has a horizontal "view" angle of 85ยฐ and a vertical angle of 30ยฐ. You can hang it with two 4mm-diameter screws.

image 8. Install your hub

This stage is optional : only intended for those owning a Hub for real time monitoring.

As a general rule for any kind of hub you should know that - overall range for Hub <=> internal devices is ~ย 10 meters (30ft) - overall range for Hub <=> external devices is ~ 30-40 m


  • hubs should be located at least at 1.5m height from the ground (Cellular and Wifi reception damps A LOT when close to the ground)
  • avoid direct sun exposition

Install hub

There are multiple ways to install the hub - solar versions can go on a pod or mural or even on hive

Install hub

  • other cell versions and SubHubs install nicely within the weather shield

Install hub

Now check Connectivity - Check hub connectivity with Bees App (in the devices Tab > hub ID > ... > Show details) - You should have a Network signal greater than 20% to be comfort.

image 9. Update start date/time

To avoid having measurements from outside the hive, change the start date of the sensors. To do so, go to BeesApp > Apiaries > unfold the hives to see the sensors > "..." > Change the current position. Edit the start date/time.

image 10. Explore and discover

Now you can also go to and explore your data.

Sign in with the same account you created on the Bees App.


In this interface you will be able to follow the brood levels, the weight gains and losses, configure your alerts or even the past and forecasted weather as well as the nectar-flow indexes and much more!


Attention: Some data is computed daily and you will begin to see it from D+3 (D1 does not count because partial data, D2 will be the first complete day which will be posted the following day => D3)